Hey! Thanks for checking out this little sneak peak. Inside the free download, I've included three of my favorite X-Chrome combos for you to try out...
#1 - "Ansel Adams" mix
Settings in X-CHROME: Polaroid Type 55 x Kodak HC110 x Selenium #1 x Red Filter
#2 - "Paul Strand" mix
Settings in X-CHROME: Fuji Neopan 100 x Agfa Rodinal x Selenium #3
#3 - "Vivian Maier" mix
Settings in X-CHROME: Kodak Tri-X @ 800 x Agfa Rodinal
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X-CHROME for Lightroom- $89
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What's Inside
X-CHROME includes film emulations, chemical developer emulations, toner emulations & paper emulations, as well as additional tools for development. And they all work together to give you total control over the way you develop your black and white photos.
0. PREMIXED Presets
To get you started, I've included 15 premixed presets:
X1 // X2 // X3 // X4 // X5 // X6 // X7 // X8 // X9 // X10 // X11 // X12 // X13 // X14 // X15
1. FILM Presets
Polaroid Type 55 // push // pull
Fuji Neopan Acros 100 // push
Kodak TRI-X @ 400
Kodak TRI-X @ 800
Kodak TRI-X @ 1600
Kodak TRI-X @ 3200
Kodak TRI-X @ 6400
Ilford HP5 @ 400
Ilford HP5 @ 800
Ilford HP5 @ 1600
Ilford HP5 @ 3200
2. DEVELOPER Presets:
Kodak HC-110 // [-]
Kodak XTOL // [-]
Rodinal // [-]
3. TONER/PAPER Presets:
COOLTONE // matte // [-]
Copper & Iron Toner // [-]
WARMTONE // matte // [-]
Museum Cotton Natural // White
Photo Rag Satin Natural // White
Fomatone // matte // [-]
Kodak Brown Toner // [-]
Neutral // glossy // matte // matte +
Selenium #1 // #2 // #3
4. Black & White Toolki Presetst
[filter] Color Contrast
[filter] Orange - YA3
[filter] Red - 25A
[filter] Yellow - K2
[color] Kodachrome-fy
[color] Default
[color] Portra-fy
[color] Fuji-fy
B+W Film Fade 01 - 10
Grain Size -- // - // + // ++
5. JPEG Presets
If you are editing a JPEG file (or a RAW file from a camera which is not yet supported with PureTone profiles), you should use the presets in this folder to select the Film settings and Developer settings.
Bruno Militelli – Ilford HP5+ @ 1600, Kodak XTOL Bright, Neutral Matte Paper
Thomas Heban Tri-X @ 800, HC-110, Neutral – matte +
Kinga Karpati – X9 + Ilford Warmtone Matte

“Loving X-Chrome! These presets have opened up a new world of possibilities for my photography. With them, I'm able to really exercise my creativity in black and white photography in Lightroom. I'd recommend these presets to any photographer, but especially to beginners, because working with these presets with help you stimulate creativity and you get amazing black-and-white photos with a few clicks.”
- Bruno Militelli
@brunomili brunomilitelli.com
“NATE - I LOVE the tones I'm getting from this pack, especially for portraits (X-Chrome really works wonders on them!). I'm THRILLED with the results I'm getting. It gives me almost limitless possibilities, so my photos can express many different mood with just a click! It's almost too easy!”
- Kinga Karpati
"Really enjoying X-Chrome, the new set of black and white Lightroom processes from @firstnate - not only has he captured the look of some classic films, he’s also emulated specific developers, papers and toners! Now I can pretend I’m back in the darkroom, only without the smell of chemicals and developer stains all over my clothes - thanks Nate!"
- Andrew Maybury
"X-Chrome has been an AMAZING tool to enhance my images. I love finding those combos that work perfectly with my photos – there are just so many wonderful possibilities. I'm totally happy with how everything works."
- Birka Wiedmaier
"Loving X-Chrome! There's so much to explore in this pack, and I love all the possible combinations you can create. For any photographers who think black and white is just about desaturating an image (I used to be that guy), you just need to see what this pack can do!"
- Thomas Heban
Ready to see how good your photos can really look in black and white?